Successes our track record
is our credibility
We have been involved in many diverse projects, and these are the wellspring of our experience and our expertise. It is by doing that we continuously refresh our ability to give good advice. Here are some of our favourites, that showcase our track-record.
Please note that the case-studies have been summarised for clarity, and names have often been redacted for confidentiality.
- Liberate - Book Warehousing
- Creating a Digital Team
- Digital Enterprise System
- OpenStack Private Cloud
- Renewable Energy
- Aviation Safety for Light Aircraft
- Travel Reservation System
- Industrial Manufacturing Machine Diagnostics
- Workflow Processes
- TIMPANI - Musical Instrument Hire
- Communication Cell
- Data Science and Data Engineering
- User-Experience Research
- ToPiC - Tracker of Performance and Improved Confidence
- Infrastructure for an International Foundation
- Large Language Models and RAG
- A.I. for customer search.
Liberate - Book Warehousing
[we] Saved the Contract
The Situation
A Logistics company was deploying a new warehouse to centralise the distribution system for a well-known retailer. This would greatly improve their stock-availability, especially for the 'long tail'. As it began the final testing before go live, it became clear that there were severe technical problems, which would prevent the warehouse scaling up to meet the demand.We quickly analysed the technical problems facing the deployment, which the company couldn't solve itself. We were able to communicate these clearly to the directors, and help them to understand the issues. The customer had a critical retail-deadline 5 weeks later, so although the existing warehouse-software had taken 2 years to write, we were asked to provide a solution in 5 weeks!
Despite the enormous pressure, we re-wrote from scratch a large fraction of the control-software within that time. The solution we implemented was very successful, worked first time, and ran for years.