Products here's one we made

These are systems and solutions we have built and deployed widely. We can customise these for you too, or create exactly what you need as a bespoke product.


ToPiC: the Tracker of Performance and Improved Confidence is a tool we created specifically for the customers of Telos Partners, in order to improve the appraisal process, and get a more complete review of performance.

By measuring not just what we do, but the way that we do it, our customers can improve cultural behaviours, leading to better success outcomes.

  • Powerful technical tool, provides insights that can be used for coaching and development.
  • Compares results with behaviours, and self-reflection vs. feedback.
  • Detailed analysis and customised, interactive reporting. Reports can be aggregated, grouped by team, or personalised to each individual.
  • Easy to use, fast to deploy, and configured and branded for your needs.
  • Adaptable for other measurement, feedback, and assesment tasks.
  • Proven technology; validated methodology.

  More about ToPiC


OpenStack is private cloud infrastructure which is more flexible, has better privacy, and is radically lower-cost than competing public cloud sustems.

We can to help you exit the cloud, and can provision a managed service, or a turnkey system ready to hand over to you.

  • Powerful, industrial-strength, stable and feature-complete.
  • Flexible: enables very large VMs, faster CPUs, and tunable storage.
  • Private: you control access, security, data-sovereignty, jurisdiction, and data-protection.
  • Open source: control, your own destiny, with no vendor lock-in, and no license fees.
  • Lower TCO: own rather than rent, with < 1 year payback.
  • Add open source applications for a complete infrastructure, on the most widely-deployed open source cloud software in the world.

  More about OpenStack

Local A.I.

Large Language Models (LLMs) are a breakthrough in search and human-computer interaction. However, they have problems with accuracy, relevance, privacy and cost.

We have deployed LLMs with appropriate filtering, privacy and guard-rails, and using Retrieval Augmented Generation to improve contextual relevance. We continue to track the state-of-the-art, and use other Machine Learning algorithms for process optimisation, and complex classification tasks.

  • Data privacy: avoid the risk, (and customer concern), that your data might leak into a public dataset.
  • Relevant: query against your documents, and prioritise your data, processes and policies in the results.
  • Significant reduction in cost (potentially > 100×) across the organisation.
  • Guard rails provide advice, logging, audit, and feedback.
  • Accuracy: know precisely where the pitfalls lie.
  • A.I. is more than just LLMs; use the full suite of Machine Learning (M.L.) tools.

  More about Local A.I.

If you would like one of these systems, customised to your requirements, please contact us: we'd be delighted to help.